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EASY AS 1-2-3!

Giving to Grace Campus has never been easier! We have a new way to Text & Give that’s as easy as 1-2-3...

#1 Start a new text message.

#2 Text gracecampus to 707070.

#3 Give a tax deductible donation securely.

This Text & Give feature is also a great way to personally help us raise funds to help those in need. One volunteer recently shared this information with her small group and challenged everyone to give $25 a month. Perhaps you could include this information on an invitation to a special event or even propose a challenge to your co-workers or family members. Regardless of how you share it, you are providing hope for people that desperately need it.

One of the things that makes Grace Campus extremely unique in the non-profit world is that we do not apply for or receive any government money. We exist due to the generosity of people that genuinely believe in what we are doing and support us financially. If you aren’t currently partnering with us in the area of giving, would you please consider giving monthly to provide hope for the people that come through our gates? A reoccurring monthly gift of any amount helps Grace Campus provide shelter and much needed resources for men and women experiencing homelessness throughout our community.

If you are leery of any type of on-line giving, no worries! You can give through mail:

PO Box 53891

Lubbock, TX 79453

By the way, there are a lot of employers that match gifts to non-profits. You might want to check with your employer to see if this situation applies to you and doubles your donation.

Click HERE to give directly from our website.

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